About GSE
Empower the future of enterprise IT
GSE sets the benchmark
At GSE we believe a better, more sustainable world will be achieved when every individual and every business reaches their full potential. We see IT as a great enabler of new opportunities and aim to empower individuals and businesses to explore new boundaries and find the support they need to make their vision become reality.
Our Mission
The world is changing every day. We don’t want to be observers of that change, we want to be part of it, enable it, shape it. We are an independent, non-profit organization of companies and individuals, whose unique success is the success of its members. As the expert knowledge platform we play a pivotal role to:
the future of IT by influencing product innovations and setting EU standards
experience and knowledge related to IT in order to grow our combined expertise
existing networks by offering a platform where fellow industry-experts can discuss and resolve challenges and business opportunities
Our history
We created Guide Share Europe in 1994 through the consolidation of GUIDE Europe and the European arm of SHARE.
SHARE is the oldest computer user group and still active in the US. In the early days of computing SHARE was founded by the aerospace industry corporate users of IBM mainframe computers in 1955. GUIDE (Guidance of Users of Integrated Data-Processing Equipment) followed in 1959. But, its US group ceased operations and many of its activities, projects and members were taken over by SHARE. In Europe, GUIDE Europe merged with SHARE in 1994 to form GSE (GUIDE SHARE EUROPE).
We are proud to build on the tradition and play a pivotal role in the development of IBM architectures, while offering a platform of learning and networking opportunities for our members.

Our Organisation
European Committee

Mr. Peter Groth

Director Administration and Finance:
Mr. Detlef Felser
Appointed Officer

European Project Manager:
Mr. Ruedi Brunner
European Support Office

Head of the European Support Office:
Mrs. Jennifer Cupi

Assistant of the European Support Office:
Ms. Camille Nix