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GSE Annual General Meeting 2024

GSE Members are invited to attend the GSE Annual General Meeting on

23 September 2024, 08:45-09:00

at the Hotel Hilton Cologne, Marzellenstrasse 13-17, 50668 Cologne, Germany.

The Board will then present the Financial Statements for the year 2023.

According to the GSE Statutes, Article 7.1.4, all proposed motions by members must be received by the GUIDE SHARE EUROPE office in Cham by 29 July 2024. E-Mail address: gsehq@gse.org

No motions have been filed.

Final Agenda:

  • Approval of Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 2023
  • President’s Report
  • Report of the Director Administration & Finance
  • Approval of Audited Accounts of 2023
  • Discharge of the European Committee and the Regions Committee for the 2023 term
  • Announcement Elections for the term 2025-2026
  • Any other business
